Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Oklahoman likes it!

Wow! So, The Oklahoman - THE biggest promoter of corporate welfare in Oklahoma - actually likes "Atlas Shrugged Part 1", which is based on a book that promotes the idea that government intervention in the economy will never result in the kind of achievements possible under true freedom.

Talk about wanting to have your cake and eat it, too!

I wonder what they will think when one of the characters actually says that in Part 2?
Rand revival, film project hope for 2012

. . . “Atlas Shrugged” remains a best seller and its keynote “Who is John Galt?” imprint is enjoying a revival in the era of too-big-to-fail government.
Does The Oklahoman think Oklahoma City's government is "too-big-to-fail"? I think we all know the answer to that question, LOL! Too bad Larry Nichols - as well as the other members of the soon-to-be Alliance for Economic Development - isn't more like Hank Rearden! Imagine what Oklahoma City could achieve if Nichols believed in freedom as much as Rearden!

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