Monday, May 9, 2011

Oklahoma sustainability advocates target property rights

This looks like a real smoking gun: it shows that advocates of "sustainability" in Oklahoma - including local governments - are directly targeting private property rights.
Private Property Ownership in Oklahoma Barrier to Sustainable Development

Beth Schaefer Caniglia, Assistant Professor of Environmental Sociology at Oklahoma State University and member of the Board for the Oklahoma Sustainability Network gives her advice to overcoming the “long-standing sentiments regarding private property rights as symbols for democracy and freedom” held by Oklahomans.

“Many landowners resist the perceived slippery slope of conservation mandates and retreat behind constitutional takings provisions, . . .”
Thank you, Kaye Beach, for posting this!

The correct response to this is: ALL Rights are Property Rights!

Will "sustainability" advocates be satisfied with just property rights or will they go after all rights? The history of the environmentalist movement suggests they won't stop there.

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