Saturday, March 12, 2011

Get out of the way!

Here's what I posted this morning in response to other commenters at "Oklahoma state government spending continues to climb":
Wow! Look at the liberals squirming! "Waaah, don't take our big government away from us! Waaaaah! The country will self destruct!"

You know, there was a time when government spending accounted for only 3% of the country's economy. There was no central bank. No income tax. A MUCH smaller government that stayed pretty much out of the way of private industry - which did so much more of what many today claim are "essential" government services. I look at India & China with their VERY mixed economies and I wonder what OUR growth rate was back then. 5%? 10%? More?

So, all you liberals, corporate welfare addicts & social conservatives: just stay out of our way.


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